Most of our childhood memories, both good and bad, revolved around food. Our favorites were probably Fresh Fried Catfish and Homemade Ice Cream at our Lake House, our Grandmother perfecting the art of cooking in a microwave, and, although she didn't like being in the kitchen, our Mother’s amazing dishes. Also, we lived a short time in Singapore and tasted more exotic food than any normal kid would ever encounter. Some not so fond memories were definitely our Depression Era Grandparents refusal to throw anything out of their fridge or pantry…..Yum, Botulism, and our Dad’s idea of a well-balanced dinner was Hungry Man or Frozen Chicken Pot Pie. Of course, back then food was just a source of fuel for us. Then, during our college years, it became more of an afterthought compared to tuition and beer. Later, salaries that provided a diet beyond Ramen noodles, and gastronomically adventurous significant others to cook for, we began to experiment and give a nod to the big man upstairs for inventing it. Finally, apart from our now wonderful and dashingly handsome husbands, we fell head over heals madly in love with all things culinary. Consequently, now we have harebrained opinions about our dining experiences, and feel the need to publicly jibba jab about them to anyone who is willing to read our rants, maybe even with a little bribing and coercion. And since we are currently separated by 1373 miles, it's a great way for us sisters to keep in touch. That’s about it in a nut shell.